Taraki x Movember: Reflection 2

Taraki x Movember: Reflection 2

the importance of reflection

As September comes to a close, it marks the completion of the second month in the SCC project at Taraki. As the Project Lead & Mental Health Implementation Consultant, it's been quite a busy month for me, in a beautiful, reflective and creative way. In month 2 me and Shurajeet (the founder of Taraki) have been busy developing the skeleton frame of the curriculum plan which we hope to deliver in the second year of the project to partner organisations. While there have busy moments in month 2, generally speaking the pace has been quite calm and ultimately kind in its nature. In all honesty, working in these new ways that centre wellbeing is still something I'm getting used to. Especially after 7 years of working in small business & the corporate sector.

Going into this project, Shuranjeet and I made a 24 month work-plan, in this meeting we also discussed ways of working. Having collaborated previously on multiple projects, we were fortunate enough to cultivate kind ways of working over-time towards each other and our work. It's for this reason I felt a level of anxiety around this project prior to it's start because the involvement of money naturally brings with it a new dynamic to the work and ultimately our  relationship. To this end I am incredibly grateful that we have been able to retain our kind ways of working, despite the significant role of funding in this project. The amount of which we both have never seen before in our South Asian mental health space. A space which practically runs on very limited funding.

I guess, what I am trying to convey is that things change, whether it's in our work, our relationships and our life. It is here that I am incredibly grateful for the fact that we have  made 'reflection' a strong component in our work. It is through reflection that we have been able to navigate conversations around what changes we can expect and how we can mitigate them to retain what is important to us.

Ultimately it is through this beautiful 2 year journey that I am learning how to cultivate new ways of working which centre wellbeing at the core, for myself and those I work with. This makes me incredibly happy and hopeful as during my years in the corporate sector, I felt hopeless about the idea that something better could exist.

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